RHC Worship Ministry
“When the people gather and are led in worship through singing, praying, hearing, offering, and receiving the word, we are equipping the saints with the tools they need to minister to God in a way that pleases him… our ministry to God also has a formative effect on us.”
- Zac Hicks, from his book, The Worship Pastor
When we Worship
We come as His grateful people, seeking to be transformed by the Spirit of God into the likeness of Christ as we behold Him together. When we gaze on His beauty and abide in Him, we are drawn to offer Him our praise, thanksgiving, adoration, confession, trust, and love.
We come to recall and participate in gospel truths -- to acknowledge our need for God's love poured out for us on the cross, and to express our celebrative joy in the power of God displayed in the Resurrection of Christ and His victory over the evil one. Monthly, we remember the cross of Christ through participating in Communion.
Graciously, God has given us biblical patterns for worship response that He desires from His people. So, we pursue activities of worship including singing, making a joyful noise, praying, and reciting Scripture while standing, lifting hands, and closing eyes as means of responding to the Lord relationally and interactively.
We sing Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs -- representing singing to our Trinitarian God of truth and beauty: words of Scripture about God's character, gospel truths centering on Christ, and basking in communion with the Spirit.
In our music, we try to include the best of new songs, favorites from the recent past, and established hymns -- arranged in current and enduring musical styles while utilizing available technology. We want to help you raise your voice to the Lord and discover the joy of relating to God through singing to Him from your heart.
For those desiring to be involved in our Worship/Tech Team Ministry, we have openings for skilled vocalists, contemporary musicians, and orchestral instrumentalists. We also have ministry options for audio techs, lighting and projection techs, and video camera techs. We can train and expand your skills as we strive to grow spiritually together as a community of worshipers.
For more information, contact Worship Director
Nate Brown.